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TMA NYC Academic Relations Committee

Last week, the TMA NYC Academic Relations Committee made two presentations to students of local schools about careers in the restructuring and turnaround industry.

On Wednesday October 16, we presented to students at Fordham Law School on law related careers. The presentation was followed by a mock restructuring case study where committee members acted as coaches to law students who role-played as company management, shareholders, mezzanine lenders and secured lenders in a simulated negotiation over the survival of the business. Thanks to Professors Susan Block-Lieb and Richard Squire for helping to set this up. Jasmine Ball of Debevoise & Plimpton, David Greenblatt of B. Riley and Glenn E. Siegel of Morgan Lewis from the Committee coordinated the presentation with the help of Michael Godbe and Nick Kaluk of Debevoise & Plimpton and Michael Morgan of Morgan Lewis assisted them.

On Friday, October 18, we spoke to a distressed trading class at NYU Stern Business School about investment opportunities in the bankruptcy and workout arena. Thanks to Professor Joseph Sarachek for setting this up. Richelle Kalnit of Hilco Streambank and Glenn E. Siegel of Morgan Lewis presented for the Committee.

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