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Blank Rome Attorneys Herman and Zucker Active on Speaking Circuit

Ira L. Herman and Evan J. Zucker of Blank Rome had another active summer and fall on the speaking circuit.  In June, Mr. Herman was a panelist at two sessions of the Financial Advisors’ Toolbox program at the 38th Annual Bankruptcy & Restructuring Conference, AC22, hosted by the Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors (“AIRA”), where he lectured on cross-border issues and claims reconciliation. In October, Mr. Herman presented on Article 9 issues for a Lorman live webinar in October. Finally, in November he moderated an ethics panel at the Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference in Austin, TX, where he discussed how business enterprises with closely held capital structures and intersecting interests will engage counsel, who must immediately face a set of thorny ethical issues. Mr. Zucker served as a panel moderator at the American Bankruptcy Institute’s (“ABI”) 2022 Cross-Border Insolvency Program, hosted by Blank Rome on November 14, 2022, at their New York office. Evan’s panel, “Is It a Modern Approach? A Discussion of Recognition Issues and Recent Developments Regarding the United States, Cayman Islands, and Hong Kong,” focused on recent developments in cross-border insolvency from the United States, Cayman Islands, and Hong Kong regarding cross-border recognition, the center of main interests (“COMI”), and discharge of foreign governed debt, with a particular emphasis on the Modern Land opinion on July 18 by Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn (S.D.N.Y.). Evan was joined on the panel by R. Craig Martin (DLA Piper, Wilmington, Del.) and Cassandra Ronaldson (Interpath Advisory, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands). Mr. Zucker has also been recognized in INSOL International’s Young Practitioner Spotlight, published in INSOL World, the quarterly journal of INSOL International. Nominated by their peers and colleagues in the insolvency and restructuring community, the Young Practitioner Spotlight highlights the “rising stars of the insolvency and restructuring industry” who “may be champions of INSOL for decades to come.” The spotlight includes personal profiles in which the honorees share what they enjoy about their practice.

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