The TMA NYC’s Marketing & Communications Committee has launched a semi-annual newsletter as a platform intended to promote our members’ achievements and provide educational and newsworthy content to the membership and the restructuring industry at-large. We are now planning our 4th Edition!
The member-authored content may include blogs, articles, and/or case summaries/studies. Editorial guidelines are as follows: (i) on a topic relevant to the turnaround & restructuring industry, (ii) 400-600 words max, and (ii) no footnotes or endnotes (all citations should be in the body). As this is an email newsletter, however, please feel free to include hyperlinks to authorities or referenced content. Please note that these submissions must be received by November 15, 2022.
In addition, we are asking for your contributions relating to personal and firm news and events; specifically, the newsletter will publicize:
- Upcoming Events
- Recent Events
- Promotions and Firm Changes
- Honors and Awards
- Member success stories/recent significant matters
Please submit any newsworthy updates no later than December 2, 2022. These can also be submitted by clicking the button below.
If you run into trouble with your submission, you can send an email to TMA NYC’s Chapter Executive at
Please note that submission of an article does not guarantee publication, which is subject to the discretion of the Marketing & Communications Committee; however, we will endeavor to publish as much member content as we can accommodate! Don’t miss the most recent edition here.
Thank you!
TMA NYC Marketing & Communications Sub-Committee
Brett Theisen, Gibbons P.C.
Lauren O’Leary, Chiron Financial LLC
Pat Siciliano, STA International
Howard Steel, Goodwin Procter LLP